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    • The Ultimate Automated Hybrid Solution

      Adora DRFi combines static and dynamic radiography with low dose fluoroscopy in one system. Enabling you to do all radiographic and fluoroscopic examinations and procedures in a single room, Adora DRFi helps you boost workflow efficiency and equipment utilization.

      Complete remote control of the Adora DRFi is possible from the control room using the
      ergonomic joystick and the remote user interface. Adora’s live monitor and exposure foot switch are helpful tools assisting you during in-room, tableside examinations. With the inControl console the radiologist gains complete mobile control in the examination room.


      Adora enables imaging from merely any projection – either fully automated or manually.




      Adora does not require patient repositioning for lateral exams such as left and right axial hip.




      Adora provides state of the art ergonomics making it easy and straightforward to use.


    • Advanced Detector Technology
      Advanced Detector Technology

      Adora DRFi is powered by Canon’s next generation CXDI detectors and imaging software. The system’s integrated detector provides fluoroscopic and serial imaging with an effective area of 43cm x 35cm. Ultra-light weight, wireless FPDs with integrated battery and image storage can be added to the system or used stand-alone as needed. Canon’s RF software provides advanced post-processing and imaging management capability, so you always get the optimal result.



      Manual handling is reduced to a minimum with Adora DRFi. Automatic operation ensures fast, precise and easy positioning of detector and tube. Adora’s Smart Handle joystick enables smooth, power-assisted manual control.




      APR auto-positions including examination parameters can be programmed using the anatomical program selection. Manually adjusted positions can be saved on the system for future use. 




      Adora’s durable carbon fiber patient table with floating top and up to 340° rotation around the base ensures full and easy patient access as well as optimal working conditions even in small rooms.




      An optional console offers complete in-room control of the system including tube and detector tracking, positioner, as well as generator. While the live monitor provides in-room fluoro images, optional touchscreen and foot pedals can be added for table-side fluoroscopy.




      For optimal operability, Adora’s large 12 inch display tilts automatically to remain horizontal at all times. Short, easy-to-use menus with self-explanatory icons help guide the user and provide immediate access to generator parameters and image preview.




      Adora features an optional patient ceiling hoist, which is indispensable for handling immobilized, elderly and over-weight patients. Consisting of an integrated hoist system and lifting sling, it enables staff to manoeuvre patients into position easily with minimum effort.

